Anastasia from Makeyevka is 27 years old. When she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it seemed that there was no way out. Anastasia is currently undergoing her first course of chemotherapy at the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russia and believes that she will win.Anastasia fell ill with acute leukemia during pregnancy. It started with complaints of abdominal pain. When the blood tests came back, the doctors immediately sent Anastasia to Donetsk, where the diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia was confirmed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the pregnancy. For Anastasia, treatment at the NMRC for Hematology is a chance to return to a normal, fulfilling life.

After the first chemotherapy, I feel good. There is no vomiting or nausea. I was very afraid, but everything went well. I smile and hope for the best. In addition to chemotherapy, the doctors do everything that is necessary according to the protocol: hormone drips, monitor blood counts, etc. Everything is going according to plan now. I’m really counting on the professionalism of the doctors and for my body to cope, and then it will become easier.
The first stage of chemotherapy is designed for 36 days. This does not mean that the treatment will end. It is quite long, fully designed for 2.5 years. Of course, I won't spend all this time in the hospital. The main thing now is to go into remission, and the next stage of treatment will be bone marrow transplantation. I have already been tested for typing and will soon start looking for a donor who will suit me 100%. And after the transplant, if everything goes well, the doctors will let me go on living my wonderful life.
At the Hematology Center, you don't feel like you're in a hospital at all. It's more like a sanatorium. The food is very good here, like it is at home.
After the first course of chemotherapy, I will be transferred to a day hospital for treatment. This is a big problem for us. We will have to rent an apartment near the hematology center, but we will definitely manage.

I heard about your project "I will live!" Maybe one day my photo will be in this project as well.

I want there to be as many bone marrow donors as possible, so that I can find a donor. I really want science to develop, and if my story somehow helps the development of the bone marrow donor registry, I will be very happy. I have the motivation to get well, there is hope. I really love life and I know that everything will be fine.