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Tatiana Konovalova
17 January 2025
Tatiana Konovalova
Gratitude to hematologist E.V. Yakovleva and obstetrician-gynecologist S.A. Makhina
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my attending hematologist, Elena Vladimirovna Yakovleva, for her professional and sensitive approach towards her patients. Elena Vladimirovna is a DOCTOR with a capital letter, attentive to details, sincerely wants to help and understand the patient's problems. Elena Vladimirovna, thank you, thank you for your hard but necessary work!!! I would also like to express my gratitude to Sergey Alexandrovich Makhina, gynecologist, for I have never felt so calm before an operation. Before the operation, Sergey Alexandrovich explained everything to me and told me how the operation would take place. I didn't even have any doubts that something might go wrong. The operation went as planned, and the rehabilitation process took one week. Sergey Alexandrovich, thank you! You have golden hands!!! Elena Vladimirovna and Sergey Alexandrovich worked together as a team on my small but very important problem. Thank you very much!!! What YOU are doing is valuable and very necessary!!! I would also like to mention the entire staff of the Department of Surgery, who are responsive, kind and with a sense of humor. This is very important for us, the patients!!!
Elena Illina
14 January 2025
Elena Illina
Gratitude to anesthesiologist and intensive care physician M.V. Spirin
I would like to thank Mikhail Vasilyevich Spirin for his professionalism and golden hands!
He has put in a CVC an innumerable amount of times, and always quickly and painlessly!
Thank. you!!!
L.D. Devyaterikova
13 January 2025
L.D. Devyaterikova
Gratitude to hematologist E.N. Kolosova, orthopedic traumatologist V.E. Mamonov, orthopedic traumatologist M.M. Pisetsky, intensive care anesthesiologist O.V. Shcherbakova, and intensive care anesthesiologist T.V. Vodolazskaya
I, L.D. Devyaterikova, came to you on 10.12.2024 for hip replacement surgery, and on 13.12.2024 a high-level operation was performed! As in many clinics, the entire institute has been beautifully re-equipped, but your specialists are of the highest category. The fact is is that I have a whole list of diagnoses that make it easy to refuse surgery. Unfortunately, many central clinics refused me, but I won't name which ones. I was told: “you will die on the table, even if you survive, the operation will not give you anything” and the like. Because I have multiple myeloma, liver transplantation, osteoporosis, an allergy to prosthetics, and most importantly, hemoglobin 68, I was told that no one in Russia would do this operation for me. And I believed that we have the best doctors in Russia. Then, E.N. Kolosova quickly called a council from V.E. Mamonov, M.M. Pisetsky, T.V. Vodolazskaya, and O.V. Shcherbakova - they studied my condition and decided: we will do it, do not be afraid, you will run. Yes, it happened, the general anesthesia was calculated so that the liver (transplant) was not even damaged, there was no rejection of the hip joint, but in another operation, not at the NMRC for Hematology, - a skin transplant, did not take root. Therefore, I waited exactly one month to monitor the status of my health, which at this point is EXCELLENT.
8 January 2025
Gratitude to the hematologist E.A. Atroshenko
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Elizaveta Andreevna Atroshenko. Despite the intersection of many symptoms, she conducted an additional examination to gather the maximum amount of information, which made it possible to make the correct diagnosis.
Alexandra Pakhomova
3 January 2025
Alexandra Pakhomova
Gratitude to the hematologist N.V. Andreev
I would like to express my gratitude to hematologist Nikolai Viktorovich Andreev for his professionalism and attention to detail in diagnosing my disease.
From the first consultation, I realized that I had fallen into the right hands. I would like to note the careful approach to the study of my medical history. The doctor carefully analyzed all the data, including the results of previous examinations. He not only prescribed the necessary tests, but also explained in detail their importance for making an accurate diagnosis. His desire to get to the bottom of the problem and his experience working with similar cases helped him understand the situation and choose further tactics.
He explained the meaning of all the analyses in simple, understandable language and answered all of my questions patiently and in detail. He clearly explained the prescription of medications and gave detailed recommendations on taking those medications that were prescribed to me by other specialists. Now, all the main issues are closed. I only come in for appointments occasionally. As a result, I am very glad that I got to this specialist.
Alexandra Pakhomova
3 January 2025
Alexandra Pakhomova
Gratitude to the hematologist A.O. Tolmacheva
I would like to express my gratitude to hematologist Anastasia Tolmacheva for her exceptional attention, high level of professionalism and sincere desire to help. The doctor showed attention and interest in my state of health, carefully studying my medical history, listening to my complaints, analyzing the test results and the conclusions of other specialists. It was especially valuable how Anastasia Olegovna approached the issue of diagnosis – she suggested additional examinations and recommended contacting another specialist at the same research institute, which played a key role in completing the process. As a result, both doctors I saw at the NMRC for Hematology turned out to be excellent professionals and sensitive doctors who love their profession. I thank you for that!
Raisa Nikolaevna Kirpishchikova
28 December 2024
Raisa Nikolaevna Kirpishchikova
Gratitude to the hematologists A.S. Garmash, T.N. Moiseeva, A.V. Kohno, A,V. Luchkin and the entire staff of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy with Day Hospital
I would like to thank the doctors and staff of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy with Day Hospital for their kind and attentive attitude during my examination and for the clarification of my diagnosis. Many thanks for the attention and kindness from doctors: Anna Sergeevna Garmash, Tatiana Nikolaevna Moiseeva and consultants Alina Vladimirovna Kohno, Anton Vladimirovich Luchkin.
I wish you a Happy New Year, good health and success in your noble cause.
Your grateful patient R.N. Kirpishchikova
Kristina Shchukina
28 December 2024
Kristina Shchukina
Gratitude to the hematologist D.Y. Yeroshenkov and the entire Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
Good afternoon!

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Daniel Yurievich Yeroshenkov! His sensitivity, attention and kindness made my path to recovery much easier. A true
professional who not only helped me go into remission, but is also a person with a great sense of humor and empathy. This is very valuable!

It was very difficult for me to start chemotherapy — I was afraid, but at the first meeting, Daniil Yurievich answered all of my questions, supported me morally, and throughout treatment was always open, in touch, and involved in the process. This is great happiness for the patient!

I am immensely grateful!

P.S. I also want to convey a huge thank you for the hard work to all the staff of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma. Thank you!
27 December 2024
Gratitude to the surgeon M.A. Silaev and the entire Department of Surgery
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the operating surgeon Maxim Anatolyevich Silaev. He is a very attentive and interested specialist. I am immensely grateful to the doctor for his attention and careful approach to each patient. He is a wonderful specialist whom I would be happy to recommend to all my friends. I sincerely congratulate the staff of the Department of Surgery on the upcoming New Year!!!
27 December 2024
Gratitude to the orthopedic traumatologist A.A. Koroleva and the entire Department of Traumatology and Reconstructive Orthopedics for Patients with Hemophilia.
I would like to sincerely congratulate the entire staff of the Department of Traumatology and Reconstructive Rehabilitation of the NMRC for Hematology on the upcoming new year.
Thank you to each of you for your hard work, support, attention, and responsiveness. Happy New Year to you. Health, strength, prosperity. And special thanks to my best doctor, Anastasia A. Koroleva. Thank you for working wonders and bringing me back to a full life.
Dmitry Nikolaevich Ivliev
26 December 2024
Dmitry Nikolaevich Ivliev
Gratitude to the hematologists M.V. Soloviev, L.P. Mendeleeva, A.A. Kraizman, A.V. Abakumova, A.A. Startsev, orthopedic traumatologist V.A. Nakonechny, nurse Natalia Viktorova and the entire Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
Thanks to the hematologists M.V. Soloviev, L.P. Mendeleeva, A.A. Kraizman, A.V. Abakumova, A.A. Startsev, orthopedic traumatologist V.A. Nakonechny, nurse Natalia Viktorova and the entire Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit and the Department of Surgery. Thank you very much for your hard work, for your attitude towards patients, for your compassion, and sometimes for the saving “toughness” during treatment. Thanks to you and your colleagues at the NMRC for Hematology, I am back on my feet after two difficult years. I can move on my own and celebrate the New Year with my family at the table. I would like to wish you all good health, happiness in your personal life, success in your profession, and a raise in your salary. Happy New Year!
A.A. Ushakova
26 December 2024
A.A. Ushakova
Gratitude to the hematologists: A.V. Luchkin, A.N. Sokolov, A.A. Osipov, E.S. Kotova
You are real magicians. Thank you so much for your attitude, attention, and sensitivity. Happy New Year! We would like to wish you and your loved ones good health, strong nerves, and obedient patients. As a gift, a song specially written for the NMRC for Hematology.

Sincerely, A.A. Ushakova
Marina Binogerova
25 December 2024
Marina Binogerova
Gratitude to the hematologists: A.E. Grachev, E.O. Gribanova E.O, L.S. Barger
Thanks and congratulations on the New Year to the doctors of the Department of Chemotherapy of Hematological Diseases!
I would like to express my gratitude to the doctor A.E. Grachev, who I was lucky enough to get to at the polyclinic department on 30.09.24. I arrived in very serious condition. He quickly made a diagnosis, and I was immediately admitted to the department. Thank you for your high professionalism and human attitude. Later, I was treated by the best doctors in the department: head E.O. Gribanova and L.S. Barger, who are very professional and differentiated in their approach to the treatment of each patient. In general, the whole department is very friendly. Both the middle and junior medical staff, the nurse, and housekeeping, all work very well, harmoniously, competently. Many thanks for your help. Happy New Year. May you have fewer patients in the new year, and may you have great health, family happiness, and long lives.
Sincerely, Marina Binogerova
Tatiana Semenkina
22 December 2024
Tatiana Semenkina
Gratitude to the hematologists: M.V. Vakhrusheva, M.V. Soloviev, L.P. Mendeleeva, N.K. Harutyunyan, A.A. Kraizman and the entire Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
Good afternoon. I would like to express my gratitude to the doctors of the NMRC for Hematology. Thanks to M.V.Vakhrusheva for the consultation, thanks to which I got to M.V. Soloviev's department. Many thanks to the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit! Thanks to L.P. Mendeleeva and M.V. Soloviev for their big hearts and professionalism. Thank you N.K. Harutyunyan for your support and positive feedback. Your words before the chemotherapy: “Everything will be fine, I'm here!” calmed me and gave me strength. Thank you A.A. Kraizman for your empathetic attitude and golden hands!
Thanks to the nurses and housekeeping! Happy New Year!
I wish you good health and well-being!
Tatiana Vladimirovna Semenkina
Elena Kapustkina
19 December 2024
Elena Kapustkina
Gratitude to the hematologists M.V. Vakhrusheva, Y.A. Mangasarova and A.A. Kravtsova
Good afternoon!

I am the mother of patient Ksenia Kapustkina. When we were diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Mordovia, we were offered a second opinion from the Federal Center, but we had to wait a month for admission. We didn't have time, as her temperature had been high for the last month and a half, and her condition was getting worse every day. We didn't wait and went straight away. A miracle happened, or maybe a set of circumstances, but we were accepted for treatment that same day.

We got an appointment with Marina Vasilyevna Vakhrusheva. She greeted us with kindness and warmth. She communicated with us as if we were family and had a deep understanding of our medical history. She conducted repeat examinations and tests and our daughter was left to be treated at the NMRC for Hematology, which we had hoped for and were very happy about.

The treatment is taking place in the Department of Chemotherapy of Lymphatic Tumors. We are very happy that we came to you, Doctors with a capital letter! Many thanks to the head of the department, Yana K. Mangasarova, and the attending physician, Anna A. Kravtsova. They are very attentive, responsible, knowledgeable and incredibly competent specialists. Thank you so much for your kindness and positive attitude. You have helped us to cope with this terrible disease.

We would also like to thank Evgenia Fotchenkova, head of the “Hematology and Intensive Care” Charity Foundation, for providing housing and financial assistance during treatment.

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