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Galina Afanasyevna Chernyavskaya, Lugansk
18 June 2024
Galina Afanasyevna Chernyavskaya, Lugansk
Gratitude to the collective of the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
I was admitted to the NMRC for Hematology on the 16 May 2024 with hip pain, which had lasted since 2014. On 22 May 2024, I underwent hip replacement surgery. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, K. Danishyan. I would also like to thank my doctors: orthopedic traumatologists A.A.Vartikyan and V.A. Nakonechny. Thank you for your professionalism, attentiveness and for bringing us back to a full life. You are ready to provide help at any time of the day. I would also like to express my gratitude to the doctors of the Intensive care Unit and anesthesiology: Mikhail Orlov and Elena Sergeeva and anesthesiologist, Tatyana Valentinovna. Thank you so much nurses: Natalia Selivanova, Yana Kozlova, Anna Ryzhova and others, for the fact that you are not indifferent to human suffering and always provide qualified assistance. Thank you, housekeepers: Natalia Levkina, Larisa Latunina, Marina Sabaeva. In the Department of Surgery, everything is arranged according to the highest standard. Everything is thought out for the patient's convenience- sterility and cleanliness. A very tasty and balanced diet. Thank you all, my dears!!!
17 June 2024
Gratitude to the hematologists, I.N. Subortseva and E.K. Egorova and radiologist, M.K. Gitis
Today, on the Day of the Medical Worker, I would like tell you about Irina Nikolaevna Skvortsova. This day becomes really special thanks to Doctors with a capital letter, like her. I've been putting off this review for a long time, but I finally gathered my thoughts and feelings. Irina Nikolaevna saved my mother's life. In March 2013, our family was going through a real nightmare: the doctors of the regional hospital gave gloomy forecasts — "up to six months" of life for my mother, diagnosed with stage four large B-cell lymphoma with metastases in the lungs and pelvic bones. After six courses of chemotherapy, a new CT scan showed (according to the conclusion of a local specialist) a suspicion of lung cancer. Mom was melting away before my eyes: her weight decreased to a critical point, and every step was accompanied by terrible shortness of breath and agony. Despair gripped me completely.
On the advice of a friend, we turned to the NMRC for Hematology. My most lucky moment in life was getting an appointment with Irina Nikolaevna. From the first minutes of the appointment, it became clear that she was a professional of the highest level. Irina Nikolaevna listened attentively to the entire medical history, carefully studied all the documents and sent the CT scan for revision. Then a consultation was held. Thanks to her care and professionalism, it turned out that chemotherapy was performed against the background of pneumonia — it was urgently necessary to stop treatment and first cure the pneumonia. After two weeks of treatment, my mother began to breathe better!! She was even able to go down to the first floor of the hospital on her own, where I visited her. It was a real miracle! Irina Nikolaevna not only identified the problem, but also drew up a new treatment plan: another course of chemotherapy in combination with the drug MabThera. She continuously monitored Mom's condition, helping us fight both the underlying disease and the side effects from previous courses of treatment. She showed perseverance in achieving the best result from the treatment, and she was always very involved and caring. It's been 11 years. My mom is alive and well! And all this is thanks to Irina Nikolaevna — her attention to detail, constant search for solutions and a huge heart. I cannot describe the extent of our gratitude to her. In our path to recovery, we also underwent consultations and treatment with many other specialists of the NMRC for Hematology: E.K. Egorova, M.K. Gitis and many others. Each time we were really amazed at the level of professionalism and involvement of all the doctors. Perhaps, the NMRC for Hematology is the most powerful and caring medical institution in Moscow. A low bow to all of the employees. May the world be filled with doctors like Irina Nikolaevna and specialists like those employed at the NMRC for Hematology!
Lyubov Khasenovna Shalova, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
16 June 2024
Lyubov Khasenovna Shalova, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Gratitude to the medical staff of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastosis with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
I would like to cordially congratulate all the management and medical staff of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastosis with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit with the Day of the Medical Worker. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for their tremendous help, responsiveness, high-quality treatment, medical ethics and professionalism. Thank you for your endless kindness, warm attitude towards each patient and for everything you've done for me. The hospital environment has always made me nervous, but you have made my stay in the hospital comfortable and even pleasant. One of the "secret ingredients" of my recovery was the atmosphere that the entire hospital staff created. Attention from every medical professional, cleanliness, comfort, a kind word - this is what surrounded me the entire time I was in the walls of your institution. You not only help us defeat diseases, but motivate us to move on and live a better life. Thanks to you, I can live, work, love and create. Best wishes, good health, and success in your work.
Angela Hodova
9 June 2024
Angela Hodova
Gratitude to the hematologist E.S. Nesterova
I would like to express my gratitude to hematologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ekaterina Sergeevna Nesterova! Ekaterina Sergeevna, thank you for your professionalism and for your humanity! From the very first meeting with you, I had confidence that I was in safe hands. Moreover, I would like to note not only the competent treatment, but also support at every stage of the entire course. Thank you for always staying in touch at any time of the day, at any distance. It gave me strength and hope for a full recovery. You've practically given me back the joy of life! I also want to express my most sincere gratitude to the middle and junior staff of the NMRC for Hematology for their professionalism and sensitivity.
N.K. Sidorova
5 June 2024
N.K. Sidorova
Gratitude to the hematologists S.Y. Smirnova and T.N. Moiseeva
I want to express my deepest gratitude to Svetlana Yuryevna Smirnova and Tatyana Nikolaevna Moiseeva! Thank you for your caring attitude, smile, support and sensitivity! You are real professionals in your field! I feel like I am in good hands with you.
Evgeniya Alexandrovna Kostuchenko
1 June 2024
Evgeniya Alexandrovna Kostuchenko
Gratitude to the hematologist E.S. Nesterova
I would like to thank the NMRC for Hematology for the opportunity to be treated for a complex case of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2018 with an incredible doctor, Ekaterina Sergeevna Nesterova. She took over my treatment after two years of unsuccessfully searching for a correct diagnosis. The tumor had already managed to grow along the peritoneum from the female organs to everything adjacent. There was already a stent in the ureter, without which the right kidney could not function. In my hometown, I was given three months to live with a diagnosis of sarcoma. The right diagnosis was made at the NMRC for Hematology, giving me an opportunity to move on.  Ekaterina Sergeevna is a miracle that happened in my life, a fairy-sorceress. Her work has led to a stable remission for more than five years. I recently underwent a follow-up examination, and nothing dangerous was found. This is a doctor of extraordinary sensitivity and patience, which is sometimes lacking in a situation of fear and uncertainty, faced with oncology one-on-one. Ekaterina Sergeevna not only led my treatment, but after the end of treatment, gave me faith and her official hematologist's opinion on IVF, since I had no children, and after treatment the chance of natural conception had become zero. Ekaterina Sergeevna, I thank you for the opportunity to live and rejoice, for the happiness of motherhood, for my healthy son and for believing in the medicine of our country with professionals like you.
Dmitry M.
23 May 2024
Dmitry M.
Gratitude to the leading specialist of registration, A.Y. Chernyaeva and hematologist, T.I. Safonov
I would like to express my gratitude to the entire staff of the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Special thanks to Anna Yurievna Chernyaeva,  of registration, and Tatyana Isaakovna Safonova, a hematologist, for an adequate and professional approach in matters of admission, preparation, diagnosis, examination and organization of treatment of a person in serious condition. You helped save a lot of valuable time and gave hope for a future. May God grant you health, patience and strength in your difficult, but such important jobs.
K.V. Masesova
18 May 2024
K.V. Masesova
Gratitude to the hematologist A.E. Grachev
I want to express my deep gratitude to the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russia and that they employ specialists like Alexander Evgenievich Grachev - just a god in his field. Thank you for giving me life!  A low bow to you.
Oksana Vladimirovna Pchelina
14 May 2024
Oksana Vladimirovna Pchelina
Gratitude to the employees of the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Good afternoon. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and give a huge THANK YOU to the specialists of the Department of Hematology and Lymphoma Chemotherapy with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Evgeny Evgenievich Zvonkov; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Nellie Georgievna Gabeeva; hematologist, Anastasia Valerievna Belyaeva; hematologist of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department, Candiate of Medical Sciences, Lyubov Yuryevna Kolosova, to the entire team of doctors and medical staff of the NMRC for Hematology and, especially, to the General Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Elena Nikolaevna Parovichnikova. I would not be exaggerating if I said that I owe my life and health to these people. In February 2023, I learned about enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes in my body. From that moment on, my visits to doctors began, to establish a diagnosis. All kinds of ultrasounds, MRIs, CTs, and blood tests did not provide any additional information. The first biopsy of the inguinal lymph node was also uninformative. The hematologist of one of the largest clinics in Moscow, where I was observed, decided to take a second lymph node. I had to wait for the results of the analysis for a very long time, at least 4 weeks. Meanwhile, my condition began to deteriorate. No treatment was prescribed without additional tests. I started having terrible pains, and the opioid drugs didn't help. On 28 September 2023, being in critical condition and in a wheelchair, I, by a lucky chance, managed to get an appointment with a specialist of the NMRC for Hematology, Lyubov Y. Kolosova. From the very first minutes of the appointment, it became clear that I was in good hands. In all of the medical institutions that I had previously visited (and I had to go through quite a lot of them), I had never met such humanity and a desire to help. Lyubov Yurievna thoroughly studied my medical history and told me that the situation was serious and could not wait. She asked me to wait, transferring me to a separate waiting room. Then, everything began to spin as if it were a dream – a large consultation of doctors led by the head of the Department of Hematology and Lymphoma Chemotherapy with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit, Evgeny E. Zvonkov, followed by discussions, questions, the decision on hospitalization and treatment immediately. I want to emphasize that the treatment began IMMEDIATELY, despite the fact that the diagnosis had not yet been fully clarified. After the first few days came the long-awaited pain relief, tumor reduction and noticeable improvement. At the present moment, I have completed my treatment course, and I am at home recovering. I would like to emphasize the well-coordinated work of the Center's doctors and the efficiency of their decision-making. Every doctor here is a high–level professional, reliable, sensitive and attentive. The right organization, innovative approach and competent leadership are felt in everything. A low bow to the General Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Elena Nikolaevna Parovichnikova. Evgeny Evgenievich, Nellie Georgievna, Anastasia Valeryevna, Lyubov Yuryevna, the residents and the entire medical staff of the department where I was treated. I address you with sincere gratitude and respect. For almost seven months, from September to April, over the course of 6 chemotherapy courses plus Auto-HSCT, I felt your support, help and participation. No words are enough. May God give you strength and health. I wish you all success in the struggle for human lives. May your sensitivity and warmth give people hope and faith in the future. Good health to your loved ones. Low bow to you all.
Natalia Eichmann
2 May 2024
Natalia Eichmann
Gratitude to the hematologist T.I. Kolosheynova
Tamara Ivanovna Kolosheynova, thank you for your attentive attitude towards patients. Thank you for your overtime, for your smile and support. After an appointment with you, I had a desire to live. Thank you for being there.
V.A. Shurygin
2 May 2024
V.A. Shurygin
Gratitude to the hematologist M.V. Vakhrusheva
Through you, I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards your doctor Marina V. Vakhrusheva, who finally diagnosed my disease and prescribed treatment, which is already giving the first positive results. For 10 years, my disease couldn’t be diagnosed at the Medical Center named after Almazov is in St. Petersburg or at the Botkin Hospital. Marina Vasilyevna achieved this with her perseverance and vast experience, for which I thank her very much.
Henrietta Friedrichovna Kolina
27 April 2024
Henrietta Friedrichovna Kolina
Gratitude to the hematologist D.V. Novikova
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the hematologist Daria Vladimirovna Novikova for her high level of professionalism, a sense of deep responsibility and many years of invaluable help in the treatment of my son. When we came to your consultation for the first time in 2022, we immediately felt, from you, support and understanding of the situation, willingness to help, and most importantly, we felt the greatest sense of responsibility for the patient's life. It is thanks to Daria Vladimirovna that you understand that you are not alone with your disease and there are doctors in our country who are ready to fight for our health and confidence in the future! From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish Daria Vladimirovna that every day starts with only good news and that your kind heart is filled with a sense of professional triumph every day!
Irina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
25 April 2024
Irina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
Gratitude to the hematologists M.V. Soloviev, A.V. Abakumova, and specialist of the Division of Clinical Research Support, T.S. Sviridova
Many thanks to Maxim V. Soloviev, Alexandra V. Abakumova, Tatyana S. Sviridova and all of the employees of the National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russia for your invaluable help. Thank you for coming to my aid, for your hard work, clear and fast high-tech examinations, and accessible and understandable explanations. You are real professionals of the highest level, with current knowledge and scientific methods. You are scientists and doctors from God! You are the pride of Russian medicine! May your clear and correct diagnoses help people and save many more lives! Health, peace, and well-being to you and your families. With faith in your recommendations, hope for a cure and boundless gratitude.
Svetlana Anatolyevna Kotelnikova
22 April 2024
Svetlana Anatolyevna Kotelnikova
Gratitude to the hematologists L.A. Kuzmina, I.A. Lukyanova, A.V. Abramova, Z.V. Kononova, A.A. Pichugina, U.V. Maslennikova; surgeon G.G. Khodzhaev;  and General Director of NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, E.N. Parovchnikova
In 2019, I was given a terrible diagnosis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Fortunately, I was referred for treatment to the NMRC for Hematology in Moscow. After ten months of treatment, bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from an unrelated donor and recovery, I was able to return to my usual lifestyle. But, unfortunately, in 2023, during a routine examination, a recurrence of leukemia was detected not in the bone marrow, but in an internal organ. The doctors of the Center have many times held assemblies on my extraordinary case. Of course, I was worried, but Larisa A. Kuzmina, head of the Department of BMT, told me then: "Don't worry, we don't leave our patients, we will definitely help this time." At first, there was a course of chemotherapy in a day hospital. I thank all the staff of the department, headed by their head, Irina A. Lukyanova, for their clear, well-coordinated work,  as well as their responsiveness and attention! I would especially like to mention my doctor, Anastasia V. Abramova. Thank you very much for your understanding, the ability to correctly convey information to the patient, your kindness and care! It is very easy to communicate with such doctors, and this is very important for us. After the day hospital, I underwent surgery in the Department of Surgery, which was successfully performed by Gennady G.  Khodjaev. Thanks to him for his golden hands that have saved many people! The third stage-  bone marrow transplantation. This time, my daughter was the donor. I gave her life once, and now she's given it to me. The department is headed by Larisa A.  Kuzmina. She is a very competent specialist and a wonderful person. She is very respected in the team. Everything is fine-tuned here: everything is clean, tidy, and the necessary medicines are available. Thanks to the medical staff and, of course, to my doctor, who guided me for almost four months, Zoya V. Kononova. This is a person with an extraordinary soul! She passes all the pain of the patients through herself. She treats everyone like a close relative. The resident doctor, Anastasia Pichugina, always came with her. This young doctor will make a worthy specialist in this field. I spent almost four months in this department. I celebrated my birthday, New Year and March 8th. Employees of the Leukemia Foundation came twice with congratulations and gifts. I thank them very much for their help and support! I am now at home and will be monitored at the BMT day hospital by my doctor, who has been guiding me since 2020, Ulyana V. Maslennikova. She is very kind, sweet, and always showed me maximum attention. The General Director, Dr. Elena N. Parovichnikova, headed all consultations from the moment of diagnosis and coordinated the course of my treatment. This is a professional of the highest class! Elena Nikolaevna works tirelessly to organize the work of all departments and introduces new methods of treatment. Thank you very much! I sincerely thank all of the employees of the NMRC for Hematology. May God grant you all health, goodness and success in the struggle for human lives! With respect and appreciation, Svetlana Anatolyevna Kotelnikova.
Sergey Akopovich Mergelyan
8 April 2024
Sergey Akopovich Mergelyan
Gratitude to the hematologist T.V. Moiseeva
Nowadays it is not easy to find a good, highly qualified doctor. I was lucky enough to find such a specialist in Tatyana Nikolaevna Moiseeva. Tatyana Nikolaevna is a really amazing doctor. She is a competent and very experienced specialist. She gave me a full examination, made the correct diagnosis and prescribed treatment, which helped me a lot. Thanks to her treatment method, I am currently feeling well. Tatyana Nikolaevna, thank you very much. Good luck to you in your hard work.

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