The poster presentation, “Treatment of fungal mycosis in the Russian Federation: results and prospects from the analysis of 210 clinical cases,” authored by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Lilia Gorenkova, took the II place of honor within the poster session of the XXI Russian Conference with international participation “Malignant Lymphomas.” The report is devoted to the first prospective observational study to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of cutaneous lymphomas in the Russian Federation.
“A fairly large number of cases have been collected based on our own experience and patients who came to us for diagnosis and received treatment. We also assessed the situation in other regions of the country with the help of telemedicine consultations. As part of this poster, the primary results regarding the treatment methods used throughout the country, as well as the doctors who monitor patients, are shown. Throughout the study, problems were identified and ways to solve them were outlined. We understand what kind of therapy can be offered based on the data obtained and international practice. This is a large project that formed the basis of a doctoral dissertation and can be used for practical recommendations," said Lilia Gorenkova, Head of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy for Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation of the NMRC for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Cutaneous lymphomas are extremely rare and occur with a frequency of 0.5-1 case per 100,000 people, per year. The diagnosis of such diseases is difficult, and a full diagnosis can only be carried out in a reference center. The choice of therapy is also a challenge, since the disease is chronic and patients are treated throughout their entire lives. The selection of adequate minimally toxic first-line therapy is extremely important.
The main problems lie in the diagnosis and selection of adequate treatment. The symptoms of cutaneous lymphoma always appear on the skin, and their variety makes diagnosis difficult. The most common skin lymphoma is fungal mycosis, known as the “the great imitator,” which can disguise itself as other diseases.
“That is why not all dermatologists are wary of skin lymphomas and timely referral of a patient for biopsy. According to our median data, the time to verify a diagnosis from the moment the first symptoms appear is more than 6 years,” notes Lilia Gorenkova.
Cutaneous lymphomas, in 70-80% of cases, are manifested only by skin symptoms, which often leads to confusion with eczema and other benign dermatoses such as psoriasis and Diverji's disease.
“Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms will be created based on our research. A more transparent diagnostic and treatment scheme will help improve the quality of medical care for patients with cutaneous lymphomas,” said Lilia Gorenkova.