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The Path to Recovery: A Story of a Fight Against Leukemia


Sometimes, life presents us with challenges that seem to contradict the very essence of our existence. That's what Artem Velikiy thought when he learned about his diagnosis of leukemia on a day in September. This news, like lightning out of the sky, shook his world, becoming a challenge not only for himself, but also for everyone around him. The story of Artem Velikiy is not only a story about fighting the disease, but also a story about inner courage, how to overcome darkness, relying on the support of loved ones, self confidence and the desire to live. 

I would like to note that we recorded this interview with Artem N. Velikiy in the Department of Hemoblastosis Chemotherapy and Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation while he was awaiting transplantation. Our second meeting took place after several months. To experience the full range of emotions and experiences of a person who actually found himself on the edge of the abyss, he recommends watching the video interview. 

“First reaction- shock 

Last September, my temperature rose and bruises began to appear on my body. My wife said, ‘Go get bloodwork.’ I went, had my blood taken, and on the same day I was informed that the indicators were not very good. I needed a consultation with a hematologist. I had my blood taken again, and the results confirmed the first labs. I was immediately given a referral to the Kommunarka City Clinical Hospital. After repeated tests, the diagnosis was confirmed — I have leukemia. The first reaction is shock, and inside there is a state of emptiness from the fact that neither you nor your loved ones know what to do next. 

Mindset for treatment 

The realization of the disease came gradually. No, I did not accept it- this is generally the wrong phrase to use. Instead, I realized that I had to fight. To fight, first of all, for the sake of my loved ones. At that moment, I clearly realized what I wanted: I dreamed of seeing my children graduate from school, go to university, and create their own families. 

The support of loved ones 

My wife is a doctor, and she immediately said: ‘Tune in to the fact that it's long and difficult, but necessary.’ Every day I received calls from friends and family who were interested in my condition. The support of relatives, my wife and my children helped me to overcome all difficulties. 

Thoughts in solitude 

Of course, there were moments of despair. When you are alone in the room, it is difficult to keep thoughts in your head. Worries can consume you. There was also apathy. In these moments, the support of loved ones helped a lot. The most important thing is to tell yourself that treatment is for you to stay alive.  

Trust in doctors 

It is important to follow all the instructions of the doctors. This is the only way to defeat the disease. My attending physician, Vadim Sergeevich, has become closer to me than anyone else. After the first treatment, the indicators did not recover for a long time, and I was told that I would have to have a transplant. It was a shock. 

Search for a donor 

We arrived with the results to the NMRC for Hematology. We were told that I needed to undergo five more courses of chemotherapy at the Kommunarka City Clinical Hospital. I gave blood for the typing tests, and the search for a donor began. My brother was tested for compatibility but did not fit. My nephews also wanted to help, but we were told that it was better to search the database. My wife and mother went to all the churches and prayed for me. In March, we learned that two suitable donors had been found. The happiness I experienced at that moment could be called unearthly. It was a relief, an inner peace. My mom and wife shed tears of joy. I think I was lucky: it had only been four months since I applied, and in April, I already knew that a donor had been found. 

Donor- the key to recovery 

For those who are faced with the disease, the donor is the only thread leading to recovery. The donor- my hope for a full life. I am sincerely grateful to this person. If I have the opportunity to meet him in two years, I will shake his hand, or if it is a woman, kiss her. These people give a piece of themselves to save a life, and it's priceless. 

The value of human life 

The only thing we are given is life, and the donor saves it. If I had the opportunity, I would become a donor myself. Human life is above all, and saving it is the highest good. All good deeds are rewarded sooner or later. No one is immune from the disease, and everyone can be in the patient's place, waiting for a donor. Helping is important. 

About transplantation 

After completing all the courses of chemotherapy, I was sent to the NMRC for Hematology for bone marrow transplantation. The procedure itself is very similar to a blood transfusion. I didn't feel anything special during it. There was a doctor next to me who explained that everything was under control. I think my family was more worried than I was. 

The return home 

On the 28th day after the procedure, I was told that everything was fine, and I was discharged. I really wanted to return home to my family and friends. After returning, my thoughts were full of gratitude to the doctors and the donor for a second chance at life. 

Hope for the future 

The doctors say that everything is on schedule, and we are moving towards a full recovery. The donor cells are helping, and I feel that everything will be fine. The main goal now is to live a full life and make my children happy. Children are everything, and I want to bring them to their senses and set them free out of the nest. But, the most important thing is to know that everything will be fine, and to understand that every difficulty gives you a chance to become stronger.

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