- Official Information
Official Information
- A Word from Our Director
- About the NMRC for Hematology
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- All Directors of the NMRC for Hematology
All Directors of the NMRC for Hematology
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- Useful Resources
- Medical Tourism
- Consultative Doctors
- Clinical Departments
- Our Doctors
- High-tech Medical Care
- Preparation for Diagnostic Tests
Preparation for Diagnostic Tests
- Preparation instructions for a rectoromanoscopy
- Preparation instructions for low-dose computed tomography (CT) of skeletal bones without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the thoracic cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses, orbits, osteoarticular apparatus, soft tissues of the neck without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Preparation instructions for a colonoscopy
- Indications for ultrasound examination of veins and arteries
- Preparation instructions for an excretory urography
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the thoracic cavity, brain, urinary system, vessels of the head and neck, aortography with bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the abdominal and pelvic organs with and without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy
- Preparation instructions for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
- Indications and contraindications for echocardiography (ECHO-KG)
- Patient Stories
- Procedure for Issuing Medical Documentation
- Internal Regulations for Patients and Other Visitors
- Rules for Visiting Hospital Patients
- About
- Official Information
Official Information
- A Word from Our Director
- About the NMRC for Hematology
- Structure
- Administration
- Departments
- History
- Our History
- All Directors of the NMRC for Hematology
All Directors of the NMRC for Hematology
- Our Awards
- Printed Publications of the NMRC for Hematology
- Gallery
- News
- Reviews
- Press Office
- Useful Resources
- Patients
Patients- Medical Tourism
- Consultative Doctors
- Clinical Departments
- Our Doctors
- High-tech Medical Care
- Preparation for Diagnostic Tests
Preparation for Diagnostic Tests
- Preparation instructions for a rectoromanoscopy
- Preparation instructions for low-dose computed tomography (CT) of skeletal bones without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the thoracic cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses, orbits, osteoarticular apparatus, soft tissues of the neck without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Preparation instructions for a colonoscopy
- Indications for ultrasound examination of veins and arteries
- Preparation instructions for an excretory urography
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the thoracic cavity, brain, urinary system, vessels of the head and neck, aortography with bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for computed tomography (CT) of the abdominal and pelvic organs with and without bolus contrast enhancement
- Preparation instructions for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy
- Preparation instructions for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
- Indications and contraindications for echocardiography (ECHO-KG)
- Patient Stories
- Procedure for Issuing Medical Documentation
- Internal Regulations for Patients and Other Visitors
- Rules for Visiting Hospital Patients
- Science
Internal Regulations for Patients and Other Visitors of the National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russia
1. General Provisions
1.1. The internal regulations of the NMRC for Hematology (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) for patients and other visitors are an organizational and legal document regulating, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, the behavior of the patient and other visitors while in a medical institution.
1.2. These Rules are mandatory for patients, as well as other persons visiting the Institution, including those accompanying patients.
1.3. In the buildings and premises of the Institution, patients and visitors are required to:
- comply with these Rules;
- comply with the fire safety rules established in the Institution;
- maintain cleanliness, order and silence;
- treat the equipment and property of the Institution with care.
1.4. Patients are required to:
- follow the treatment regimen;
- follow the recommendations of the medical staff;
- cooperate with medical staff at all stages of medical care;
- provide the medical staff with reliable information known to the patient about the state of his/her health, including about contraindications to the use of medicines as well as previously transferred, hereditary and infectious diseases;
- treat the medical professionals with respect.
In the case of outpatient treatment at the Institution, the patient is obliged to inform about being in inpatient treatment at another medical institution.
1.5. In the buildings and premises of the Institution, it is prohibited for patients and visitors to:
- be in outerwear, without replaceable shoes (or shoe covers);
- smoke;
- drink alcoholic beverages;
- use narcotic drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances at your own discretion;
- be in a state of alcoholic, narcotic and toxic intoxication;
- gamble;
- talk loudly, make noise, slam doors;
- use mobile communication when you are at a doctor’s appointment, while communicating with medical staff, during procedures, manipulations, examinations;
- dispose of garbage and waste in places not designated for this purpose;
- carry (store) bladed weapons or firearms;
- use open fire or pyrotechnic items.
1.6. A violation is:
- failure to comply with these Rules;
- rude or disrespectful treatment of staff by patients and visitors;
- violation by the patient of the in-patient regimen of the day;
- non-compliance by the patient of the hospital with the recommendations of the medical staff and the treatment regimen;
- taking medications by a patient in a hospital at his/her own discretion;
- failure to appear or untimely attendance to a doctor's appointment or procedure without a valid reason;
- unauthorized abandonment of the Institution without the knowledge of the medical staff before completing the course of treatment in a hospital or in a day hospital;
- simultaneous treatment in another institution without the knowledge and permission of the attending physician of the Institution.
1.7. Admission of patients and other visitors to the territory of the Institution is made with passports or other forms of identification, on one of the following grounds:
- referral for a consultation or examination issued by a doctor of the Institution;
- referral for laboratory tests issued by a doctor of another medical institution;
- an application submitted in advance to the department head (responsible person) where the visitor is going;
- making an appointment for a consultation with a doctor or for an examination (by phone or on the portal of remote appointment with a doctor).
1.8. No more than two accompanying persons are allowed to enter the territory of the Institution with the patient. In some cases, escorting seriously ill patients can be coordinated with the department heads.
An application for an accompanying pass must also be filled out, and submitted in advance, to the appropriate departments.
2. Specifics of the internal regulations for patients and other visitors of the Institution in the provision of inpatient medical care
2.1. Hospitalization of patients is carried out through the Admission Department.
Patients' outerwear, shoes, money and valuables are handed over to the storage room.
The administration of the Institution is not responsible for valuables that have not been handed over to the storage room of the Admission Department.
Patients are allowed to have personal hygiene items, underwear or pajamas, and home shoes in their rooms
2.2. During their hospital stay, patients are required to:
- follow the doctor's orders;
- follow the daily routine;
- comply with the mode of silence at night and during "quiet hour";
- comply with other requirements outlined in clauses 1.3-1.5.
2.3. On the premises of the Institution, hospital patients are prohibited from:
- bringing and eating food or drinks that are not included on the list of permitted for use;
- storing food products without packaging, storing food without specifying the name of the patient, and storing expired food products;
- leaving the department or the territory of the Institution without the permission of the attending physician or the doctor on duty;
- taking any medications without the approval of the attending physician or the doctor on duty.
2.4. On the premises of the Institution, patients and visitors are prohibited from:
- using electric kettles, electric boilers, electric heaters, electric stoves and other electric heating devices in the wards;
- preparing food;
- storing outerwear, shoes, household and duffel bags in the ward;
- independently repairing equipment or furniture;
- using bed linens, pillows and blankets from unused beds in the wards;
- sitting on the windowsills, leaning out and talking out of the windows;
- sitting on the bed with the patient.
2.5. In the inpatient departments of the Institution, a daily routine is established:
6: 00-7: 00 rise, temperature measurement;
7: 00-7: 30 morning toilet for patients, airing and quartzing the wards;
8: 30-9: 00 breakfast;
10: 00-12: 00 medical rounds;
13: 30-14: 30 lunch;
14: 30-17: 00 "quiet hour";
17: 00-19: 45 visiting of patients by relatives, free time;
18: 00-18: 30 dinner;
21: 00-22: 00 evening toilet, airing and quartzing the wards;
22:00 bedtime.
Patients should be in the ward after breakfast and before lunch during the doctor's rounds.
The time for taking medications and performing medical and diagnostic procedures is determined by the attending physician.
2.6. The administration of the department and the Institution is obliged and has the right to monitor compliance with the rules for the storage and use of food products and medicines in the hands of patients and in the refrigerators. If expired food products are found, stored without plastic bags (in the refrigerator), without indicating the patient's name and room number, or show signs of deterioration, they will be seized and thrown away.
2.7. Admission of visitors to hospital patients is carried out only with the consent of the patients and on the basis of applications submitted in advance by the department heads (responsible persons) to the admissions bureau.
No more than 3 visitors are allowed to visit one patient during the time allotted for visits at the same time. No more than one visitor is allowed to stay in the patient's room at a time.
Patient visitation hours: from 17:00 to 19:45, on weekends and holidays - from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:45.
In some cases, by order of the department head (responsible person), visits with relatives are allowed at other hours. Patients are notified of the cancellation of visits due to quarantine or for any other reason.
An individual visitation schedule for seriously ill patients is coordinated with the department heads.
3. Rules for the entry of patients' personal transport onto the territory of the Institution
3.1. In order to ensure safety on the territory of the Institution, the entry of vehicles is strictly limited and is intended for official cars, ambulances and special equipment.
3.2. The entry of patients' personal vehicles onto the territory of the Institution is not allowed. An exception is the vehicles of disabled people, which can be admitted to a specially designated parking lot for the disabled, subject to the availability of free space and compliance with clause 1.7.
3.3. If a seriously ill patient with limited mobility is brought by personal vehicle, the security personnel have the right to let the vehicle pass (subject to clause 1.7.), but for no more than 15 minutes. After that, the driver must leave the territory of the Institution and, if necessary, wait in the places provided for parking.
4. Responsibility
4.1. Violation of the Internal Regulations, medical and protective, sanitary and anti-epidemiological regimes, and sanitary and hygienic standards entails liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Patients and visitors are fully liable for damage or damage to property and equipment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For violation of the regime and the Internal Regulations of the Institution, the inpatient is subject to discharge ahead of schedule, with corresponding notations made in the “certificate of incapacity for work.” Outpatients, accompanying visitors, as well as other visitors are subject to expulsion from the Institution.
4.4. For violation of fire safety rules, patients and all visitors are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
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