Head of the department- hematologist, Anna G. Turkina, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
The department functions as a part of the Division of Diagnostics and Treatment of Hematological Diseases.
The department provides consultations and management of patients with chronic myeloproliferative diseases, including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia. The main areas of focus of the department's work are the development and implementation of new effective methods for treating patients with these nosologies, including individualized therapy with targeted drugs based on the assessment of molecular genetic characteristics of the leukemic clone and concomitant pathology.
The development of modern tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy protocols is carried out taking into account world recommendations of international professional communities and current research data. The staff of the department together with colleagues from clinics in Russia are co-authors of regularly updated modern Federal Clinical Guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of CML and myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia.
An important aspect of the department's work is participation in multicenter international phase I-IV clinical trials and extended access programs for therapy with new drugs in patients with CML and myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia.
Considerable experience has been accumulated in the management of patients with CML with resistance to several lines of therapy with a new class of TKI- STAMP inhibitors (asciminib) and third-generation TKI drugs (ponatinib, PF-114). New approaches are being studied and applied to de-escalate doses of TKI in order to exclude long-term adverse effects of therapy and improve the quality of life of patients.
The introduction of modern protocols for the management of patients with CML has already made it possible to achieve a significant reduction in the risk of progression of this disease and an increase in the number of candidates for observation in treatment-free remission (TFR). The TFR surveillance approach, developed based on the results of international multicenter studies and our own long-term experience in monitoring patients with a deep molecular response after the abolition of TKI, successfully passed clinical testing by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2017 and was included in the Federal Clinical Recommendations.
For young patients with CML, family planning is an urgent issue. In recent years, tactics for the management of women with CML during pregnancy have been developed, which is being actively introduced into clinical practice in clinics of the Russian Federation with the advisory support of the department staff. Together with the international organization European LeukemiaNet, with the participation of hematologists from Europe, Asia and the CIS, an observational study, "Pregnancy registry in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia" is being conducted.
In 2016, the results of the diagnosis and treatment of a rare form of myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia were summarized. The high efficacy of imatinib therapy with TKI in PDGFR-a and PDGFR-b positive diseases occurring with eosinophilia was established. The developed, modern recommendations for patients with this pathology were based on these studies.
Objective data on morbidity and the results of long-term therapy in patients with CML are studied by the staff of the department within the population register of patients with CML EUTOSPBS. It is planned to summarize the results of almost twenty years of follow-up of patients with CML who received imatinib therapy for the first time in Russia in the GIPAP program.
The clinical and advisory work of the staff of the Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology of Myeloproliferative Diseases is inextricably linked with educational and pedagogical practice. The staff of the department give lectures, conduct seminars and practical classes with hematologists, and regularly make presentations at Russian and international conferences.
Irina S. Nemchenko - hematologist of the highest qualification category, researcher, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML and myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia. The main focus of her clinical and scientific activity is the development and introduction into clinical practice of new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia and hypereosinophilic syndrome. She is a participant and coordinator of clinical trials in patients with CML and myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia.
Ekaterina Y. Chelysheva - hematologist of the highest qualification category, leading researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML. Research interests: optimization of targeted therapy in CML, taking into account the best efficacy and tolerability; management of pregnancy in CML, observation of patients in treatment-free remission after the withdrawal of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in patients with CML. Participant and coordinator of clinical trials in patients with CML.
Oleg A. Shukhov - hematologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior researcher of the department. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML. Research interests: optimization of therapy algorithms in patients with CML, analysis of long-term results of treatment of TKI, organizational aspects of medical care. Participant and coordinator of clinical trials in patients with CML.
Anna N. Petrova - hematologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, researcher. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML and other myeloproliferative diseases. Participant and coordinator of clinical trials in patients with CML. Her research interests include monitoring the long-term results of patients with CML in treatment-free remission, evaluating the results of the use of new drugs with resistance to several lines of therapy in patients with CML.
Elena A. Kuzmina - hematologist. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML and other myeloproliferative diseases. Participates in clinical trials in patients with CML. Her research interests include the study of new markers for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy with resistance to several lines of therapy in patients with CML.
Olga V. Lazareva - hematologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Research interests: observational studies in patients with CML, analysis of long-term results of treatment of TKI, organizational aspects of medical care.
Anastasia V. Bykova - hematologist. Conducts consultative reception of patients with CML and other myeloproliferative diseases, participates in the management of CML patients in phase I-IV clinical trials on the use of new drugs for CML.