The head of the department is pathologist Alla M. Kovrigina, Doctor of Biological Sciences
The main areas of work of the Department of Pathology are the diagnosis of tumor and non- tumor diseases of lymphoid tissue and the blood system based on the study of bone marrow trephine biopsies and biopsy material of the lymph nodes, obligate hematopoietic organs, and lymphoid tissues of other localizations using histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, in situ hybridization research methods. The department performs the functions of the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the field of hematology and conducts a large amount of consultative diagnostic work on the study of biopsy material (paraffin blocks, finished preparations and biopsy/surgical material sent in 10% neutral formalin) from various cities, regions of the Russian Federation, and a number of CIS republics.
Research is carried out on the material of bone marrow trephine biopsies, biopsy material obtained from cor-biopsies, excisional and incisional biopsies of the lymph nodes, endoscopic studies (including thoracoscopy, laparoscopy), and surgical material, in particular, thoracotomies, laparotomies and splenectomies. The department provides intraoperative (urgent) histological diagnostics for biopsies of neoplasms of retroperitoneal localization, mediastinum, lungs, and lymph nodes.
The development of criteria for the complex differential diagnosis of B- and T-lymphomas, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Ph-negative myeloproliferative diseases, myelodysplastic syndromes, and hypoplastic conditions of the hematopoietic tissue are priority scientific areas for the Department of Pathology.
The department has separate rooms for the archive of histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical preparations, paraffin blocks, archival "raw" material in formalin, a training room equipped with a "multi-head" microscope with a projection on a wide-plasma screen for simultaneous participation in the educational process of up to 20 pathologists. The Department of Pathology of the NMRC for Hematology holds workshops and seminars for the pathologists of Russia.
The department also actively trains residents and graduate students of the NMRC for Hematology in the specialty "Pathological Anatomy.” Educational topics cover a range of issues like pathomorphological diagnostics of non-tumor processes, hematological and onco- hematological diseases based on trepanobioptates of bone marrow, lymph nodes, neoplasms of mediastinum, retroperitoneal space, and extranodal lymphoid proliferates.
History of the department of pathology
Nikolai A. Kraevsky (1905-1985) - pathologist, professor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize, founder of several scientific schools in hemopathology: at the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (now – NMRC for Hematology) and the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology (later - the All-Union Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, now the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center), the scientific school of pathologists-radiobiologists (Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of the USSR), the scientific school of oncopathologists (now - N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center).
At the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology, Kraevsky headed the Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy from 1939 to 1955 Together with his colleagues (N.M. Nemenova, M P. Khokhlova, N.S. Rozanova and others), as well as in collaboration with specialists from other departments of the Institute (M.S. Dultsin, H.H. Vlados, E.Z. Novikova), he created the doctrine of the pathology of transfusiology, the pathology of leukemia and other diseases of the blood system. In 1965, the collection, "Pathological Anatomy and Issues of the Pathogenesis of Leukemia" was published, written by N.A. Kraevsky, N.M. Nemenova, and M.P. Khokhlova, in which a unique experience was summarized. The collection has become a reference book for many generations of hemopathologists in the country.
Due to the creation of nuclear weapons and the nuclear industry in the USSR in 1950, Kraevsky became involved in medical and biological research and headed the study of the pathology of radiation injury and radiation sickness, creating a large Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Ministry of Health . For research work, Nikolai A. Kraevsky united young pathologists (V. V. Shikhodyrov, N.N. Litvinov, G.A. Lebedeva, Y.N. Solovyov, V.I. Ponomarkov) and a group of experienced specialists (L.A. Afrikanova , A.E. Ivanov, A.N. Novikova, E.V. Erleksova and others). In a fairly short time, under the guidance of Kraevsky, a complex of the main pathological syndromes of acute, and then chronic radiation sickness was studied. Later, the same team investigated the long-term effects of radiation injury and the carcinogenic effect of ionizing radiation. In 1957, Kraevsky was one of the first in the world to publish the monograph “Essays on Acute Radiation Sickness,” and in 1963, as part of a group of scientists and specialists, he was awarded the Lenin Prize in Science and Technology for his work in the field of radiation pathology. Thus, he became the founder of another domestic scientific school - pathologists-radiobiologists. In 1962, Kraevsky, at the invitation of N.N. Blokhin, transferred to the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology (later - the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center), where he created a large Department of Pathological Anatomy of Human Tumors. During these years, under the leadership of Nikolai A. Kraevsky, in-depth comprehensive studies of tumors of various localization were carried out, and the study of the pathological anatomy of hemoblastosis and lymphomas continued (N.A. Probatova, N.N. Pokrovskaya, A.I. Pavlovskaya).
With the participation of the staff of the department, Kraevsky prepared, and in 1971 published, the first complete domestic edition for doctors, "Guidelines for the Pathoanatomical Diagnosis of Human Tumors,” which was revised, supplemented, and by 1993 was already in its 4th edition. This guide remains a reference book for many pathologists to this day. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kraevsky taught at the Departments of Pathological Anatomy of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute and the Institute of Advanced Medical Training.
Nadezhda M. Nemenova (1911-1981) - pathologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Since 1955, for 25 years, she headed the Laboratory of Pathology at the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. The name of Nadezhda M. Nemenova is associated with the development of the pathogenesis of diseases of the blood system and post-transfusion complications. She is responsible for proposing a classification of post-transfusion complications. One of the areas of her scientific work was the study of the reaction of hematopoietic tissue in non-hematological diseases (infections, liver diseases). One of the first in the USSR, Nemenova introduced the method of intravital histological examination of the bone marrow into the daily practice of a pathologist. Under her leadership and guidance, the principles of diagnosing diseases of the blood system based on bone marrow trepanobiopsies were developed.
Margarita P. Khokhlova (1921-2008) - pathologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Since 1946 Khokhlova has been associated with the Central Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (since 1989 - Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, now the NMRC for Hematology). From 1978 to 1988 Khokhlova was the head of the Department of Pathology. Khokhlova combined the development of pathoanatomical diagnostics of diseases of the blood system with research in the field of leukemia epidemiology, which was of great importance for practical healthcare. Khokhlova began the development of criteria for the diagnosis of malignant lymphomas and secondary disorders using immunohistochemical research methods.
Georgy A. Frank (born in 1936) pathologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Freelance Specialist in Pathological Anatomy, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Frank headed the Department of Pathology of the Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from 1989 to 2010 In 1961 Georgy A. Frank was a post-graduate student of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Central Order of Lenin Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. He successfully completed his postgraduate studies, defending his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, on the topic "Morphological changes in the liver in leukemia." In 1964 Frank began working at the P.A. Herzen Moscow Research Institute of Oncology where he worked his way up from junior researcher to head of the Department of Tumor Pathology. In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation, dedicated to the clinical morphology of Hodgkin's disease. Since 1988, Frank has been a professor, and in 2002 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Georgy A. Frank developed and introduced a number of new methods of morphological diagnostics, and was one of the first in the country to use modern molecular biological and immunohistochemical research methods in pathological anatomy. The scientific interests of Georgy Frank cover a wide range of problems of oncomorphology and include the diagnosis of precancerous conditions, early forms of cancer of various localizations, the pathogenesis and diagnosis of tumors of the bones, breast, lung, prostate, cervix, differential diagnosis of diseases of the blood system using molecular -biological, immunohistochemical research methods.
Irina A. Shupletsova- pathologist, Candidate of medical Sciences
Zhanna V. Tratsevskaya- pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Dmitry I. Chebotarev- pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Lyudmila S. Roshchina - researcher, pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Marina N. Sinitsyna- pathologist
Svetlana A. Glinkina- pathologist
Svetlana M. Korzhova- pathologist
Andrey A. Sherstnev- pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Tatiana P. Danilina- pathologist
Maria V. Melnikova- pathologist
Karina M. Shchepina- pathologist
Anna V. Dubinina — pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Viktor A. Balayants — pathologist
Biology (immunohistochemical studies):
Maria A. Kolberg - biologist (immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization diagnostic and scientific research)
Natalia L. Deineko- biologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Natalia I. Yenshina- biologist
Medical laboratory technicians/technologists, laboratory assistants:
Marina V. Mikhaleva
Natalia A. Sayenko
Anna V. Telyakovskaya
Olesya V. Titova
Anna A. Kostina
Elena V. Kovalenko
Anna D. Mukhina
Maria B. Bolshakova
Nina A. Lotareva
Irina O. Rybakova
Dmitry A. Perenosov.