Russian Federation, Moscow, Novy Zykovsky Proezd, 4
Phone numbers for inquiries and doctor's appointments (Mon—Fri: from 8:00 to 16:45)

Division of Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses

Division of Chemotherapy of Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses

Head of the department- Larisa P. Mendeleeva, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation, expert of the Ministry of Health of Russia

The division consists of:

The Division of Chemotherapy for Paraproteinemic Hemoblastoses was founded in 2018 with the aim of in-depth study of fundamental and clinical aspects of plasma cell tumors. Scientific research is devoted to the comprehensive study of the pathogenesis of the tumor process, its molecular mechanisms, the search for prognostic factors of the unfavorable course of the disease and the identification of the refractoriness of the tumor to modern drugs.

Research work includes not only the analytical stage, but also active work in clinical and laboratory units. Risk factors are assessed at the molecular genetic level, the mutational profile of tumor cell genes is studied and the pathogenetic foundations of the formation of aggressive extramedullary forms of the disease are investigated. The search for the causes leading to the autonomy of the plasma cell is carried out using histological, immunohistochemical methods, as well as STR-profiling of DNA. The role of circulating extracellular matrix proteins is being studied in order to determine the biological parameters that affect the clinical course of multiple myeloma and determine the early signs of disease progression. The parameters of endothelial dysfunction and hemostasis disorders in plasmacellular dyscrasias are investigated. Applying a comprehensive study, including flow cytofluorometry and magnetic resonance imaging of the bone marrow, the role of minimal residual disease at different stages of program therapy of plasma cell tumors is considered, which contributes to the development of a differentiated approach to maintenance therapy.

The results of scientific research formed the basis of patents for inventions issued by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property in 2017, 2019, 2022.

The clinical work of the division is devoted to the improvement and introduction into practice of the most informative diagnostic techniques, modern personalized treatment protocols with targeted drugs, as well as high-dose treatment methods, including transplantation of autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells. The division conducts multicenter clinical studies to assess the effectiveness and safety of innovative drugs and their combinations in patients with paraproteinemic hemoblastoses. Together with the staff of the Department of Microbiology and Antimicrobial Therapy, programs of rational precision and empirical antimicrobial therapy of infections after autologous transplantation are being developed and improved based on the study of the spectrum and antibiotic sensitivity of pathogens isolated in patients with multiple myeloma. Clinical departments, which are part of the division, diagnose and treat both common and rare (orphan) diseases:

  • symptomatic multiple myeloma
  • smoldering myeloma
  • monoclonal gammopathy of unspecified significance
  • monoclonal gammopathy of clinical (organ) significance
  • plasma cell leukemia
  • solitary plasmacytoma
  • plasmablastic lymphoma
  • Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
  • AL-amyloidosis
  • POEMS-syndrome
  • heavy chain deposition disease (HCDD)
  • other rare forms of diseases occurring with the secretion of pathological immunoglobulins

Pedagogical work is continuously carried out in the division. Hematologists are trained as part of additional education on advanced training and retraining programs. Up to 8 clinical residents and postgraduates from various regions of Russia are trained annually at the department and scientific personnel are trained in the specialty "hematology and blood transfusion".

Employees of the division actively participate with scientific reports at congresses and conferences, conduct educational webinars and seminars and publish scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals. They are key co-authors of clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma, solitary plasmacytoma and AL-amyloidosis.

The total Hirsch index of the division’s employees is 41.


Irina G. Rekhtina — leading researcher, hematologist of the highest qualification category, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Maxim V. Soloviev — senior researcher, hematologist of the first qualification category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Maya V. Firsova — senior researcher, hematologist of the highest qualification category, Candidate of Medical Sciences


Alexandra V. Abakumova.

Eleonora A. Makunina.

Elizaveta A. Mamaeva.

Anton A. Startsev.

Victoria A. Khyshova.

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This form is intended only for sending an application for the issuance of medical reports, certificates, extracts and other medical documents for patients who have passed an in-person medical examination.

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