Russian Federation, Moscow, Novy Zykovsky Proezd, 4
Phone numbers for inquiries and doctor's appointments (Mon—Fri: from 8:00 to 16:45)


Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology and Myeloid Neoplasia
Introduction of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of hematological diseases and myeloid neoplasia, including myelodysplastic syndrome

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Alina V. Kokhno Head of the department- hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy with Day Hospital
Outpatient diagnosis of hematological diseases. Consultation and treatment of patients in a day hospital.

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Tatyana N. Moiseeva Head of the department- hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology of Myeloproliferative Diseases
The leading department in Russia that studies diagnostic issues and develops and implements new effective methods of therapy for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and rare forms of myeloproliferative diseases occurring with eosinophilia.

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Anna G. Turkina Head of the department- hematologist Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Clinical and Diagnostic Department of Hematology and Hemostasis Disorders
A unique center specializing in disorders in the blood coagulation system: diagnosis and treatment of Willebrand's disease, hemophilia, thrombocytopathies, hereditary and acquired rare coagulopathies, thrombophilia, thrombosis, etc.

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Nadezhda I. Zozulya Head of the department - hematologist Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department for the Standardization of Treatment Methods of Hematological Diseases
The department specializes in pathogenesis and diagnosis as well as the development of treatment protocols for patients with chronic Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasia, primary immune thrombocytopenia and atypical lymphoproliferations (Castleman's disease).

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Anahit L. Melikyan Head of the department- hematologist Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category
Department of Surgery
The surgical department of the Institute was established in 1928, headed by the Honored Scientist, Professor, S.I. Spasokukotsky.

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Karen I. Danishyan Head of the department- surgeon Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics
The department carries out scientific and practical work studying the features of damage to the organs of support in movement in patients with concomitant hematological pathology.

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Vasily E. Mamonov Head of the department- orthopedic traumatologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Orphan Diseases
Study, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases of the blood system and rare hereditary metabolic diseases in adults

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Elena A. Lukina Head of the department- hematologist Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Hematology Day Hospital for Patients with Hereditary Metabolic Diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired non-tumor diseases of the blood system

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Vitaly D. Latyshev Head of the department- hematologist
Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care
A specialized department for performing anesthetic aid during surgical interventions and treatment of life-threatening conditions in patients with diseases of the blood system and hemostasis disorders

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Gennady M. Galstyan Head of the department - anesthesiologist — resuscitator Doctor of Medical Sciences
Antimicrobial Drugs Clinical Pharmacology Group

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Galina A. Klyasova clinical pharmacologist (head of the group) Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Laboratory of Microbiology

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Maria V. Shumkova Head of the laboratory- bacteriologist
Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Diagnosis and treatment of plasma tumors

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Irina G. Rekhtina Head of the department- hematologist Doctor of Medical Sciences
Day Hospital of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Plasma Cell Tumors

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Maya V. Solovieva Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Laboratory of Molecular Genetic Diagnostics

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Andrey B. Sudarikov Head of the division Head of the laboratory Doctor of Biological Sciences
Office of Medical Statistics

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Anna B. Eliseenkova Head of the Office of Medical Statistics
Information and Methodological Division
Management and control of scientific, methodological, informational, analytical and organizational activities of the NMRC for Hematology

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Tatiana T. Garmaeva Head of the division Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department of Quotas and Hospitalizations
Organization and monitoring of documentation on the selection of patients for specialized and high-tech medical care; registration and submittal of medical documentation for temporary disability

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Tatyana V. Ivanova Head of the department- hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Providing information, making appointments and registering patients

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Maria A. Volvak Head of the division
Department of Hemoblastosis and Hematopoietic Depression Chemotherapy with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
The study of biological phenomena underlying leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, aplastic anemia

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Zalina T. Fidarova Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Day Hospital of Oncology and Chemotherapy of Hemoblastosis and Hematopoietic Depressions
The development of a scientifically based approach to the treatment of leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and aplastic anemia. The creation of new treatment programs and their introduction into broad hematology practice.

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Anastasia V. Abramova Head of the Department- hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Day Hospital of Immunochemotherapy after Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Patient observation and treatment of complications developed after transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic cells

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Vera A. Vasilieva Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Pre-Transplantation Preparation
Department of Pre-Transplantation Preparation
Olga S. Pokrovskaya Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Operating Unit
The operating unit is a separate structural department of the NMRC for Hematology hospital designed for performing surgical operations of various profiles.

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Alexander V. Grzhimolovsky Head of the operating unit- surgeon Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Anesthesiology-Intensive Care with General Anesthesia Room

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Vyacheslav A. Novikov Head of the department- anesthesiologist-resuscitator Candidate of Medical Sciences
Dialysis Group with Day Hospital
Therapeutic and advisory activities, carrying out various types of renal replacement therapy for patients of the hematology clinic with acute renal injury, chronic kidney disease and multiple organ dysfunction

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Elena N. Denisova nephrologist (group leader) of the Dialysis Group with Day Hospital Candidate of Medical Sciences
Express Laboratory
Round-the-clock clinical and diagnostic care

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Svetlana Y. Mamleeva Head of the Express Laboratory- doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics
Department of Traumatology and Reconstructive Orthopedics for Patients with Hemophilia
The department performs complex surgical interventions for patients with hemophilia and other blood clotting diseases.

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Vladimir Y. Zorenko Head of the department- orthopedic traumatologist Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department of Hematology and Lymphoma Chemotherapy with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
Treatment of aggressive and indolent lymphatic tumors using the latest immunochemotherapy regimens, targeted drugs, autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and CAR-T cell therapy

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Evgeny E. Zvonkov Head of the department- hematologist Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department of Chemotherapy of Hematological Diseases
A multidisciplinary department that treats patients with diseases of the blood system of tumor and non-tumor nature

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Elena O. Gribanova Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Chemotherapy of Lymphatic Tumors with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit with Day Hospital
The study of biological phenomena of lymphoproliferative diseases, the development of a scientifically based approach to treatment, the creation of new treatment programs and their introduction into broad hematology practice

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Yana K. Mangasarova Head of the department - hematologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Lymphoproliferative Diseases
The study of pathogenesis, improvement of diagnostics, and therapy methods for tumors of the lymphatic system

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Sergey K. Kravchenko Head of the department - hematologist Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Laboratory for the Study of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Diseases of the Blood System
The study of mental and neurological disorders observed during the course and treatment of diseases of the blood system, and the development of methods for the treatment of such disorders.

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Dmitry E. Vybornykh Head of the laboratory - psychiatrist Doctor of Medical Sciences
Office of Endoscopy
Endoscopic research, development and improvement of endoscopic diagnostic methods

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Vladimir A. Makhinya Head of the office- endoscopist
Department of Radiology

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Irina E. Kostina Head of the department - radiologist Candidate of Medical Sciences
Office of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Effective diagnosis, staging, control of treatment of hemoblastosis, hematopoiesis depressions and orphan diseases

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Galina A. Yatsyk Head of the office Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Centralized Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
The data of studies conducted in laboratory are necessary to monitor the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic and surgical treatment.

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Valentina N. Dvirnyk Head of the laboratory- doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Pathology
Diagnosis of tumor and non-tumor diseases of lymphoid tissue and the blood system using histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, in situ hybridization research methods

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Alla M. Kovrigina The head of the department - pathologist Doctor of Biological Sciences
Laboratory of Karyology
Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic diagnostics of tumor diseases of the blood system

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Tatyana N. Obukhova Head of the laboratory- doctor/laboratory geneticist of the Laboratory of Karyology Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
Conducting modern protocols and regimens of chemotherapy, immune and targeted therapy of acute leukemia and malignant lymphomas in adults

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Lilia G. Gorenkova Candidate of Medical Sciences Head of the department - hematologist

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This form is intended only for sending an application for the issuance of medical reports, certificates, extracts and other medical documents for patients who have passed an in-person medical examination.

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