Gratitude to the orthopedic traumatologist V.E. Mamonov
I was at the NMRC for Hematology for surgical treatment in late November – early December 2024 for revision arthroplasty. I am currently in rehabilitation, following recommendations, and feeling better. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the head of the department, orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vasily Evgenievich Mamonov, for performing a successful operation. I bow low to you, Vasily Evgenievich, for your high level of professionalism, and responsible and respectful attitude towards patients. I wish you good health, good luck and further success in your very difficult but noble work!
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Gratitude to the organizers of the Patient School dedicated to chronic lymphocytic leukemia and CAR-T therapy
On 26 February 2025, I visited the All about Lymphoma Patient School. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the specialists and management of the NMRC for Hematology for organizing this event. After attending the All about Lymphoma Patient School, I began to understand the specifics of my disease and the methods of therapeutic treatment much better, and I received answers to many of my questions. I think this format of communication with patients is very convenient and effective. Once again, many thanks to the organizers and participants of the “All about Lymphomas” School.
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Gratitude to the surgeon M.A. Silaev, anesthesiologist-resuscitator V.A. Novikov, methodologist E.K. Yegorova, and the entire staff of the Department of Surgery
I would like to thank all of the employees of the Department of Surgery for their conscientious work and attitude towards patients, and I would like to express special gratitude to my attending surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Maxim Anatolyevich Silaev; Candidate of Medical Sciences Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Novikov; and Candidate of Medical Sciences Elena Konstantinovna Egorova (Head of the division - methodologist of the Division of Internal Quality Control of Medical Care), for my salvation in a very difficult situation, for the friendly attitude towards me. They are truly professionals in their field. I would like to wish you all good health and success in your hard work. I will never stop thanking you for everything you have done for me. Thank you very much. Everything at the NMRC for Hematology is designed to improve human health, and the quality of medical services + the nutrition is excellent.
Sincerely, your patient Olga
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Gratitude to the organizers of the Patient School dedicated to chronic lymphocytic leukemia and CAR-T therapy
I would like to thank the organizers of the Patient School dedicated to chronic lymphocytic leukemia and CAR-T therapy. The school was held on 26/02/2025 at the NMRC for Hematology.
The organizer was the Bridge of Mercy. The employees
of the NMRC for Hematology spoke in detail about the disease and new treatment options. The speakers were real professionals of the highest level, with modern knowledge and new treatment methods. I really liked the presentation and the brochure from the Candidate of Medical Sciences I.S.Piskunova. I received comprehensive answers to my questions. Thank you!
it is extremely rare to find such a reverent attitude towards patients. If possible, conduct such Patient Schools more often. After all, it is only from professionals in their field that you can get information about your disease.
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Gratitude to the General Director E.N. Parovichnikova and hematologists E.E. Zvonkov and I.S. Piskunova
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the General Director of the NMRC for Hematology Elena Nikolaevna Parovichnikova and the organizers of the Patient Schools for a unique chance to get the most useful and accessible information about their disease and its treatment methods from the Center’s leading specialists.
On 26 February 2025, I attended a conference at the All about Lymphoma Patient School, where the topic “Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and CAR-T therapy” was discussed. The conference allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of my illness, but more importantly, it provided me with an opportunity to ask pressing questions and get detailed answers. One of the most exciting questions for me was: will I be able to become one of the first patients in Russia to receive CAR-T therapy? The affirmative answer I received filled me with great joy and great emotional uplift, for which I am immensely grateful to Elena Nikolaevna Parovichnikova, Doctor of Medicine Evgeny Evgenievich Zvonkov and my attending physician, Candidate of Medicine Inga Samvelovna Piskunova.
Yuri Alexandrovich Kasparov
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Gratitude to the orthopedic traumatologist V. E. Mamonov and M.M. Pisetsky and to the anesthesiologist-intensive care specialist T.V. Vodolazskaya
I am very, very grateful for the replacement of my hip joint. These doctors are not just masters of their craft, but practically GODS. Dr. Mikhail Mikhailovich Pisetsky, anesthesiologist T.V. Vodolazskaya, and head of the department M.E. Mamonov ---these doctors have become my “godparents” who gave me a life without pain. I would also like to mention the staff on duty - ALL the nurses and other medical staff are very responsive and very attentive. I would also like to say a special thank you to the staff of the cafeteria - the food was delicious and very varied. Thank you so much!!!!!!!
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Gratitude to the nurse A.I. Mindibaev
Good afternoon!
I would really like to leave feedback and convey my gratitude to the nurse Arthur Mindibaev. I don't have the words to describe it, but his professionalism, positivity, and skillful hands really saved me when I couldn't stand it anymore. For me, a real test since childhood has been blood collection, injections, and so on. But I was very happy when Arthur was on shift — the most painless blood collection, when? Always! He places the catheter perfectly and handles the bandage carefully. When you go through chemotherapy and your veins are manipulated almost 3-4 times a week, it can be very unpleasant, even just to touch them! But to say the word “perfect”
here is like saying nothing!
I am grateful to Artur Mindibaev for his kindness to people
and for the careful handling of our veins! Thank
P.S. There was a time when I described this experience on my blog, and a patient who subscribed to me wrote me in a private message! He was treated a year ago, and he also remembered Arthur and spoke well of his work!
Thank you!
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Gratitude to the hematologists N.I. Zozulya and O.S. Dmitrieva
I would like to express my gratitude to the hematologist, leading researcher and Doctor of Medical Sciences Nadezhda Ivanovna Zozula and hematologist Oksana Sergeevna Dmitrieva for their professional approach in the diagnosis and treatment of a rare coagulation disorder with a deficiency of factor XII, known as Hageman's disease. Nadezhda Ivanovna is a specialist who is really interested in understanding the problem, finding a suitable solution, and not just following the “protocol of the last century while being captured by an idea.” You have taken into account my fundamental right as an individual to self-determination and to receive full information about the treatment method. Along with the use of modern treatment methods, your actions reflected warmth and a sincere desire to help in a difficult situation in my life. I am thankful that people like Nadezhda Ivanovna Zozulya and Oksana Sergeevna Dimitrieva are competent and caring employees of the NMRC for Hematology and that they help us, patients, with very rare and complex diseases.
Sincerely, I.A. Korotkova
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Gratitude to the hematologists E.E. Zvonkov, D.A. Koroleva and O.O. Shetsova
Good afternoon! It's time to write a review, or rather, a big thank you to the Department of Hematology and Lymphoma Chemotherapy with Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit, headed by Evgeny Evgenievich Zvonkov, a doctor from God. He has assembled a team of professional doctors just like himself. The first time I came to the department for a consultation my heart was anxious. This I won’t deny. But after receiving the consultation, I came out with the hope that I would be cured here, inspired!!! I was admitted to the hospital, and I stayed in the department for treatment from the 15th of August to the 25th of December 2023. I completed 5 courses of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. I was treated by two excellent hematologists, Darya Aleksandrovna Koroleva and Olga Olegovna Shetsova, who made rounds twice a day and were in touch 24/7. I am grateful to my doctors for my recovery!!! GOD grant them good health for their attitude towards patients, because they are not just doctors, but specialists in hematology. I bow low to them. The department has excellent nurses who put in IVs, work night shifts, and are ready to rush in and help at first call. I would also like to note the work of the housekeeping staff in keeping the wards clean. The department, in the hands of Evgeny Evgenievich Zvonkov, is at the highest level.
Sincerely, patient Suchkova!
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Gratitude to the hematologist O.S. Dmitrieva
Dear Elena Nikolaevna,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the hematologist Oksana Sergeevna Dmitrieva. Her professionalism, attentiveness and caring attitude helped me cope with a serious illness.
Thanks to Oksana Sergeevna, I received an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment, which significantly improved my quality of life. Her individual approach, deep knowledge and ability to find optimal solutions made my treatment process as effective and comfortable as possible.
I would especially like to mention her sensitivity and support throughout the entire treatment period. Oksana Sergeevna always found time to answer all of my questions in detail and to calm me down in moments of doubt.
Elena Nikolaevna, specialists like Oksana Sergeevna are a real asset of our medicine. Thank you for creating the necessary conditions for professionals like her to work.
With respect and gratitude,
Anar Naib Oglu Mirzoev
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